Aberdeen Planning Guidance and Supplementary Guidance 2023

The following Aberdeen Planning Guidance have been adopted as non - statutory Planning Advice. Supplementary Guidance: Planning Obligations was adopted as part of the statutory development plan alongside the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2023.

This suite of documents sit alongside the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2023 and provide more detailed information on its policies and sites. They will be used as material considerations in the determination of planning applications.

A number of the PDFs on this page are large file sizes and will take some time to open.

Supplementary Guidance

On 6 December 2023 the following has been adopted as Supplementary Guidance and now forms part of the statutory development plan alongside the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2023.

Aberdeen Planning Guidance - Policy - Planning Advice

Health and Wellbeing

Placemaking by Design

Vibrant City

Supporting Business and Industrial Development

Meeting Housing and Community Needs

* The Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) and Overprovision guidance refers to a map showing HMO concentrations, which can be viewed at the bottom of this page.

Delivering Infrastructure, Transport and Accessibility

Protecting and Enhancing the Natural Environment

Sustainable Use of Resources

Aberdeen Planning Guidance - Sites - Planning Advice

Aberdeen Planning Guidance to follow

Additional guidance to follow:

Houses in Multiple Occupation Concentrations Map


Consultation and approval of Draft Aberdeen Planning Guidance and Supplementary Guidance

The Consultation covered the period Friday 24 February until Friday 21 April 2023.

A total of 30 respondents submitted comments during the consultation period. Officers reviewed, summarised and responded to the comments and, where necessary, outlined proposed changes to the draft documents. A review of the draft documents to take account of National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4), adopted by Scottish Ministers on 13 February 2023, was also undertaken due to NPF4 replacing former national planning guidance and policies in NPF3 and Scottish Planning Policy (SPP).

At the meeting of Council, on 3 November 2023, the results of the consultation and draft guidance, revised where necessary, were considered and approved.